This is a Prayer I am trying to memorize.  I wrote it, and it speaks to the heart of my trouble as a Man on this Planet in this UNIVERSE.

“God, Creator, my maker and my connection to all that is, I humbly ask that you take away my selfishness and wash away my self destructive ways.  Bring me closer to you. Let me Live in Your Love and share it with the world, Your world.

Restore my masculinity.  Give me strength to stand up for all who suffer.

Heal my sexuality. Allow my healing to show others that A pure heart, mind, and soul is attainable.

Wash away the evil that lingers in me.

I pray for all the Woman and anyone I have objectified.  Bring them peace and protection.  Wash them with your universal Love. I offer up my sacrifice of fasting to the woman that have influenced my life and to those I have objectified.  Restore balance to our sexuality.”