This is a list that I have been humming around in my thoughts for a few years. Most of this Boils down to the Brain, a vital piece in our spiritual life.   Here we Go. 

1 –  Porn Brain- Intensifies Lust, and Objectification. Pervades the natural sexual rhythms of the body.  To me, Porn Brain is the fog left on the brain after consuming too much of it.  When I am unable to see the beauty and essence in all life. When beauty turns into shit.  Every interaction with the Sacred Feminine turns into a perverted illusion degrading myself and whoever I encounter.    

2- Porn can train the brain – to be more entitled as well as pervade the sexuality and – disallow someone to develop their own authentic sexuality, but also given the right scenario may allow for sexual liberation or exploration, but rarely the case would I believe it to be right if Porn is used, because I believe Porn, as an industry is Un-Ethical and morally Bankrupt.  

3- normalizes violence and objectification.  Violence and Objectification are both Mind-Viruses.  They hi-Jack our brain.  Do we want to live in a world where Men are tweaking on misguided anger. What we choose as entertainment is how we normalize certain behaviours and ideas.   Porn instills Perverted ideas and behaviours, and men are starting younger and younger, losing their amazing powerful brain mapping potential.   

4 – Intimacy disorder – if porn is the sex in ones life then who is being connected???  So we are training are brain to have this Connection to Porn, instead of another Being.  Sex in its nature brings people closer. oxytocin and vasopressin. Reinforcing a biological connection to a screen, thus putting a wedge between the porn user and their potential partner, for lack of understanding and being able to connect in real personal-intimate sex.  

5 –  It furthers the divide between women and men. 

        This is from the perspective of a man who has watched a lot of porn, and talked about it with many men. My research has been my life and the people who I know within the annon world and beyond.  How you treat your brain is how you grow it.   Objectifying the opposing sex on a regular basis is no good for the Brain Map.  Man needs to be checked very hard in todays world, Porn does so much damage towards the relations between the sexes.   


    Fuelling the fire with Porn.   Which wolf shall we feed?  The one that enables child sex trade and human trafficking????   Feeding the lust of the world is only going to deepen the darkness. Look at modern day media. What is accepted to be on billboards and commercialized for the masses is disgusting enough. And that is just what is ACCEPTED, and Normalized.   

We live in a Hyper Sexual society, with hyper consumerism within a hyper-demoralizing frenzied world.  Child Porn is almost normalized within Pop-Culture thanks to Hollywood and their consumerist view on SEX.  

Side not here, I have experience within this frame work. Being a “Jon” and paying for sexual experiences.  Trying to Buy Love for an hour… a good time…. whatever lie.  Using a person. Human Trafficking is among us.  In many capacities and Porn most definetly fits within the SEX Trade World.   

7 – Erectile disfunction.   

        Dare I say More???

With addiction in general the body suffers. The immune system will be taxed by addictive behaviour in General but with Porn specifically we are attacking the Reproductive System as well as the Reward System and Belief system in out minds. 

Here are some stats to show the sad state of young men today:

   – The Gray Matter connection

   I see that this reason may be weak, but there is a lot of reasons why Porn could induce E.D.  We are complicated beings that attach shame and other emotions to sex and porn.  The most powerful sex organ is the Brain, so treat it with LOVE.   

The  Normalizing of Porn Use and objectification is a major problem for us, The Human Race. Now with technology advancing faster and increasingly more Unethical by the day, Porn has become an easy way to hack the minds of the masses. So many of us have been led down a road to addiction through this medium. 

I have one more reason just incase you thought my seven reasons were weak.   

8 – what does it say about me if I watch a lot of Porn?  Daily. Weekly.   Regular enough.  It is messing around with our internal/subconsiousness as well as biological triggers.  

    There is so much more to Life than simple pleasure and escapism.   Simply sitting in the discomfort is a practice that will bring great strength.   Addictions are no ones friend. Addiction is the anti-christ, that is how I see it.  A false promise.  Layers of temptations and short lived ecstasy traded for agony, shame, betrayal and poor health.   


Although this Blog Post is focused on Porn, it is very much a Sex Addiction article.   If you are struggling with Porn and finding it is having an adverse affect on your life I encourage you to seek out addiction help like group meetings and therapy.  You are not alone and there is so much Hope and Help today.  If you are having a trying time please contact me.

I will continue to Pray and Strengthen my connection to My Creator and to the Sacred Feminine. In doing this I practice a form of self Mastery.   

   We are not our thoughts. 

        We have choices.

           We are all connected.


                       L O V E 

                                          L I G H T


Here is one more article below for the curious. 

Porn Paradoxes…

“Yet, though he craved it, he didn’t like it (porn paradox 1). The cravings were so intense, he might feel them while thinking about his computer (paradox 2). The patient would also report that, far from getting more turned on by the idea of sex with his partner, he was less attracted to her (paradox 3). Through porn he acquired new sexual tastes.” –  Brain scans of porn addicts: what’s wrong with this picture?

Norman Doidge